Weekend Updates: Upcoming T6 ‘Speculation’, Massively Reports on Gay Flamewar, and of course SNR’s

  • The usual sources have once again dumped a fair amount of information regarding upcoming game elements. The big news so far is the number of new missions (five!), Nog, the Krenim (aren’t they dead?) and the list of T6 variants of fan favorite ships. As always please do not repost this article on Reddit or the Cryptic Forums.

    Warning: this post contains foul language, and references to religion in the same sentence.

    T6 Ships

    Confirmed with images

    • T6 Avenger Battlecruiser (from the front it looks like the USS Vengeance)
    • T6 Mogh Battlecruiser (hope we can keep the existing Mogh skin)
    • T6 Mogai (disappointing design, but as always the picture don’t do it justice)

    Referenced, but no images yet.

    • T6 Defiant
    • T6 B’Rel
    • T6 T’Varo
    • T6 Krenim vessel (likely a lockbox or game-reward ship. I know it’s not going to happen, but I would love it to be Annorax’s Krenim Weapon Ship.)

    The thought of a proper T6 B’Rel is making me very happy. The real question – what kind of seating specialization will it have? Will it retain it’s universal seating arrangement?

    While there is lots to speculate on with the latest data-dump, I’m holding off listing the various episodes here. To many potential spoilers, and I have been seriously enjoying the stories to date.

    Massively Overpowered Gets it Wrong, and in the process starts another flame war in their forums.

    Earlier this week there was a short troll session on Cryptics forums about having gay characters briefly alluded to in ‘House of Pegh’. It didn’t take long for a few troglodytes to realize the one line of text referenced a gay relationship, and suddenly Cryptic was responsible for the end of modern gaming.

    I don’t get it. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination. That’s Star Trek at it’s core. Who you love has little to do with the game, but frankly is perfectly safe territory to investigate in a story. And if your maturity levels can’t deal with the realities of life, then it’s time you took a step back from the fictional world and relax a bit.

    [rant] Regardless of what your interpretation of a two-thousand year old misogynistic and brutal text may be, it’s NOT a part of MY Star Trek. If you take solace and strength from an organized religion or religious beliefs – good for you, and more power to you. But don’t think for a minute that your fictional beliefs can be imposed on my fictional fun or in real life. To quote the Shat, “Get a Life”. [/rant]

    No sooner than Laughing Trendy ban-hammered the thread, and extended her good graces on a few malcontents, Massively OP published the story talking describing it as something it wasn’t. Fast forward 24 hours, and 180 530 posts later, Massively OP has stoked the flames of intolerance by allowing that same discussion to flourish. Hate speech isn’t free speech.

    SNR’s are back, and worse than ever.

    While I appreciate that Cryptic is making a serious attempt at ‘re-jiggering’ the code to improve performance, Sunday has been hellish in all aspects of the game. From simple episodes to space and ground STF’s the lag spikes have been ridiculous.

    Not all of the complaint can be laid at Cryptics feet. Cogent has been it’s usual crappy service, and for me the local ISP’s have been suffering as well.

    I can’t wait for the full range of fixes to be implemented.