"Let’s just say she could hypothetically cruise at a cool 500 kilometers per second..."

  • While cleaning his hard drive,


    stumbled upon old


    model he'd created long ago. It brought back so many fond memories that he just had to take a stab at recreating it with all of the skills he's learned over the years! The result is a high quality update of one of the most beloved fighters in the series. You can also check out his recent Vesuvius remake


    and more of his non-WC works




    A long time during my childhood this ship was the most sexy thing in space I could imagine. I loved the Wing Commander series and especially Wing Commander 3 and 4 were my favourite ones.

    This ship you can see here was created for an X3-Modification. The ship was already in-game and well... it was the death to all of its enemies. ;)
