Digital Archeology Looks Behind WC1's Curtain

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    is always on the search for better understanding of how the original Wing Commander games were made. His latest exploration led him to the non-playable

    WC1 demo

    . Long before video game trailers were released on the net, actual game engine demonstrations were scripted out to portray what a new title had to offer. And tucked away in the guts of this relic is a snippet of WC1 source code. It's an early draft that still contains references to "Wing Leader" and calling Confeds "Imperials," but many Wingnut techies will find this small sample fascinating. Check it out


    . You can also watch the demo unfold on Youtube below thanks to MusicGuru.


    void heat_seeking_missile_intelligence (int obj)
    int exhaust_heat, target_ship, targ;

    /*--------Intelligence used for heat seeking missiles ---------*/

    // This is implemented wrong. Heat seekers need enemy to be facing away... -KLD
    if (facing_to_target {
    /*-- If lock is lost on the target, look for closest "hotest" target --*/
    ship_target[obj] = NONE;

    viable_target_index = 0;
    for (target_ship = your_ship; target_ship