Fully Armed Lexington Joins Homeworld Mod

  • There are both big and small updates for the

    Homeworld WC

    mod this week. On the larger side,


    has completed integration of the Lexington heavy carrier into the game engine. It also has tiny, but highly detailed, turret models, which were initially tricky to get working. Since the Lexington was designed to be a self-sufficient ship designed for deep penetration into enemy territory, it'll be the only carrier with resource collecting ability. Fighters will land on the main deck while smaller shuttles will dock on the side ports. Finally, there's an update to the game to fix graphical shaders on the newly implemented Kilrathi ships. Homeworld Remastered owners can grab the mod


    . The high level plan for future updates is also mapped out below.


    The development planning is as follow:
    • Current version 2.0X: Kilrathi working faction, with research and construction tree debugged.
    • Planned version 2.5: Hvar'Kann available as a super-unit, Zartoth electronic warfare correctly implemented, Kilrathi voices working ingame.
    • Planned version 3.0: WC Saga Confederation models added to the game, option to select WC3-era Confed or WC4-era from the skirmish menu.
    • Planned version 4.0: Integration of updated models and textures for Border Worlds and Black Lance units, almost everything smoothed
