New WC Saga Tools Released To Assist Pilots

  • Luke

    has created two more useful tools to help both players and modders of

    WC Saga

    . WCS Base Extract is a utility that unpacks Saga files as a first step towards creating new missions in the game. Mouse Trap improves control for pilots who fly with a mouse. Further background info and complete instructions are available through the forums linked below.

    WCS Base Auto Extract (Download)

    Do you want to change something at mod level or do you plan to create your own WCS missions or campaign or do you simply want a look behind the scenes? Then WCS Base Extract is a good start to first unpack all WCS content very easy and very fast. It supports the original VP's with the officially WCS patch

    WCS Mouse Trap (Download)

    You want to play WCS in window mode and you fly with mouse, but you irritated about lost mouse focus during gameplay? WCS Mouse Trap solves this problem simple and comfortable.
