Fan Spotlight Community Choice: FPS

  • Fan Spotlight Community Choice: FPS


    Hello everybody and welcome to the very first Community Choice Fan Spotlight. Last month we asked the community to create anything they wanted as long as it followed the FPS theme. We received a variety of entries from stories, to poetry, to new weapons. Then we, the Community Team, sat down and reviewed each entry and through much deliberation we have chosen the winners!

    Dawn.KE's VFLR

    Dawn.KE starts us off with his variable focus laser rifle. A mix between the M16, P90, and the KRISS Vector, the VFLR has an adjustable lever to alternate between precise rifle shots to a stunning shotgun blast. The versatility of being both a defensive and offensive weapon is what stood out to us. We’re excited to also see the future of the VFLR as Dawn plans to make a 3d model after a revision.

    Check out their entry!

    Erris' Flashbang

    Next up is Erris with their short story Flashbang! Telling the story of Kara and her team as they take on another group, Flashbang invokes a sense of adrenaline and fear as things begin to go horribly wrong and Kara is left helpless. You can find the full story linked below.

    Check out their entry!

    Phallicy's P4SC

    Phallicy brings us a poem about the kinship between a marine and his Behring P4SC. Reminiscent of the songs they sing in the military now, we can absolutely see future marines singing this as they train and charge into battle.

    Check out their entry!

    Ezrah's Peacekeeper

    Last up is Ezrah Harglow’s entry, The Peacekeeper. In addition to this fantastic take on a futuristic Colt revolver, Ezrah goes in depth on the ammo that the gun uses. As he states, each bullet is “_Encapsulated plasma inside a magnetic casing, built within a safe and convenient shell that is easily transported._” This would definitely be in our cockpit to prevent mutiny as we travel around the verse.

    Check out their entry!

    Thanks to everybody who entered. Each of the winners have received 10,000 REC for their amazing entry.

    We’ve already decided on next month’s theme as well. Bring out your clippers and grab a tennis ball because the theme is pets! Let us know what sort of pet you’d like to see in Star Citizen with pictures, videos, whatever you want! You have until April 27th to post your entries in this thread! Thanks and we’ll see you next week!…ight-Community-Choice-FPS