Crossfire in SLI???

There are 5 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by semicrazy.

  • Alrighty...I have done everything your web site and forms have told me to do. I

    have uninstalled and reinstalled to many times to count. I have downloaded and redownloaded

    this mod. I have tried everything I could to get this mod to work and it still won't work

    I have even turned of my sound completely, I have lowered resolution and no change. I

    have tried all the different compatibility modes, still won't play. I tried various

    settings in my graphics control, still no go. [3]
    If you can think of it I tried it. I'm

    no dummy when it comes to high end computers cause I build them in my spare time. I also

    have all latest drivers.
    When I start the game it goes thru the opening scenes and I

    click on single player my computer locks up and I have to reboot...thats no task manager and

    no ctrl/alt/ is a reboot (and yes I also downloaded the latest SP addon)
    Here is

    my system:
    --Asus P5ND2-SLI Deluxe
    --Intel P4 3.2 overclocked to 3.7
    --2 Raptors in

    raid 0
    --2gig DDR2 667 Dual Memory
    --2 7800GTX Nvidia Graphic Cards in SLI

    onboard sound..just til the X-FI comes out
    --NEC DVD_RW ND-3520AW

    --Silverstone Nvidia SLI Approved 650W Power Supply

    So this is my System

    and it's nothing to sneeze at but I still can't Play your Crossfire Mod [3]
    If you

    have any Ideas I'm Listening

  • uh.... what won't work... just the MP, just the SP, or just plain wont


    try deleting your savefiles

    Your fate is always at your heels. That bleeding feeling when you run into the night from it, it will remain. On your endless run from that one thing that you know will catch up.

    You will be delivered.


  • Quote

    Originally posted by

    --Intel P4 3.2 overclocked to 3.7

    try not


    is the comp tested? i mean, other games work fine?

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  • This has already Been Posted in the

    suport fourom[thumbdown]



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    We follow the orders of the republic, working Instinctively, Intelligently and, Instantly.

    We are Commandos.

    We are... Delta Squadron....of the republic!

    98% of the teenage population will try, does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this into your signature (origanaly written by SANDS_OF_TIMEIII)

  • I have done

    everything I could It just won't work in SP
    I even went back to straight system no

    overclocking anywhere still won't work.
    I guess I should be asking if there is anyone

    out there running in SLI and playing this mod. When I turned of my SLI I got it to play but

    it continues to crash to desktop. Freelancer and the mods available for this game are great

    but it is very clear that it is not meant to be played on very high end systems. My system

    is listed above and if you can meet or beat this system and play this mod then we need to
