Fan Spotlight: Wallpapers Round 2

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    Welcome to this week’s Fan Spotlight. Today we delve back into the world of Star Citizen Wallpapers and bring you a few of the best community creations. Check them out below!

    Make666's Murray Cup

    We start with Make666’s Murray Cup themed wallpaper. The colors work greatly and you can almost smell the engines heating up. A great background for any racers out there.

    Boulder's Avenger

    Next up Boulder takes a holoviewer model to a whole new level. The black and white really makes the Avenger pop and adds a nice glossy finish.

    StarMedic's Miami

    StarMedic shows how to cruise in style with his 890 Jump wallpaper. Titled “Miami Space”, StarMedic offers his opinion on how Miami would look on another planet. Perhaps Terra has a bigger party scene then we imagined.

    Sebman's Paradise

    Finally, Sebman continues the 890 Jump by showing how a relaxing cruise should look. Flying over a blue/green ocean, you can only dream of enjoying a nice drink with the beautiful view.

    Thank you to everybody who spends their time making fantastic Star Citizen wallpapers. If you have a wallpaper that we haven’t highlighted, let us know below. We’ll see you next week!