Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion SP map: Morning Star system interpretation

  • Perhaps, this is the only the game in which there is a most complete and plausible interpretation of LoMS (Geleon), as its ever possible.

    Screenshots see here
    File is attached to this post. See it below.

    Map Name: World Mixing: Land of the Morning Star
    Type: Singleplayer, based on "World Mixing" bigger map version
    Created by: afan a.k.a. [BC]afGun
    First version at: 31 Jul 2011
    Last updated at: 12 Jan 2013
    Version: 2.3 (Adapted for Rebellion)
    Category: Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion

    Copy the file to the directory:

    C:\Users\%Username%\Documents\My Games\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion\GalaxyForge.


    C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\My documents\My Games\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion\GalaxyForge

    And enjoy ^_^

    As a result of the anomaly, the representatives of your civilization % Player_Race% got to no one knows where, where else heaven knows what's going on: the planets belonging to the star are completely alien and behave differently than they should according to physics laws, why often the annoying breakdowns and misfires are happen.
    But this is not the last thing that will surprise you. The worst test is yet to come. And it is called the "Ghosts" who can animate your fears and sends them to you in such quantities that you have not seen even in your most terrible nightmare.
    Soon you will realize that the question is merely to survive.

    Shord description:
    The map is an interpretation of Morning Star system from "Chronicles of Guardian", as well as the plot.
    Initially, the game sets the player in front of the task is not to choose the most effective strategy: development, defense and attack and so on; but the strategy of planning, command and control of your fleet during the battle.
    If you're constantly losing frigates and cruisers, so you are got off well... if your battleships are still alive, of course. If you have to concentrate all your forces at one place, providing a constant and rapid influx of reinforcements (which is very difficult in conditions of one main phase path), then you are beginning to understand the essence of this scenario.

    Map stats:
    Size: Giant
    Players: 6
    Players start locations: locked, allied player2 is in a hostile system.
    Game type (recommended): Top vs Bottom
    Stars: 3
    Morning Star - big
    Kraz-Geleon - small, accessible only through the wormhole from LoMS Sector
    Random star - medium, system of active hostiles.
    Number of planets: 174
    Pirates: present (9 bases in depth in the enemy system)
    Planet Artifact Density: 40%
    Planet Bonus Density: 70%

    [wise=warning]High hardware (CPU) requirements. Waiting for working well trigger system because nothing else can optimize SUCH without killing the essence of scenario.[/wise]

    - Long gameplay. Save, Load, Pause - your best friends.
    - Teams locked (V.2.3).
    - Allied SOL system is deleted (WM MP->WM SP), where all the objects (up to Meka-Meka and Ceres) which now known are placed. Possibly will be available as another map in the future.
    - Ally-computer is added back. But now in a hostile system.(V 2.3)
    - Main phase path has no parallel.
    - Planetary sectors (clusters) may have a branched type of phase lines, which forming the periphery.
    - Some sectors are divided by wormholes (V 2.0.). Way to distant planets got a little closer.
    - 4 opponents are deleted (V 2.3). Cope at the start with these.
    - Home planets of opponents are connected with wormholes criss-cross their system (1.2 MP), but in order to get through to them, you need to cut through the pirates (1.7 MP)
    - Neutrals are flying now not only on the battleships, but also the Titans (2.3). And they are many. Do not say that you weren't warned.

    - Upgrade your computer ;). Some says the game can even take off in the dump due to such overload...
    - Do not place Vasari as opponent. They are not completely depend on the phases. Although, the taste and color...
    - The easiest way to kill interest in the the map: make friends with the neutrals.
    - Take your time.
    - Take this scenario, then pump up the skills of unit and fight control. Elapse without loss, then pump so much that it could be felt even over the nultiplayer.
    - Withstand the onslaught of computers means to know many aspects of defense against superior forces.
    - Withstand the onslaught of sophisticated computers, is to begin to give light a cigarette even to the real player opponents at your base defenses

    - Here the hardiest wins. Only after that: strongest, crafty...
    - There are two ways from LoMS to explore: one is to the center of the system, the other to Kraz-Geleon. I suggest to attend the second at the beginning - it is easier, but longer.
    - Kung Fu with small forces - it is very cool, but here works only the roll bar and boxing with shock fleets.
    - Not flatter yourself - build battlships (as many as you only can) and connect boldly into the one fleet.
    - If you have accumulated a lot of money, then you have not met yet with the opponents, but just about to. Procure crystals for future use. You will need them.
    - With a maximum computer difficultiy, you can even not touch the super-defended gravitational wells. Make better that you would be notice in time and hit the enemy forces which would be already in your home system.
    - Survived the first strike? Next will be easier... may be.
    - If you are building a fleet about 3 hours to purge a single the well, then your strategy is working badly.
    - Some neutrals needed for leveling and hold the enemy for a while, and then to the massacre.

    Planning actions:
    - Yep, it is important, but even more important to do it unhurriedly.
    - "Intelligence - the main thing in war" (с)
    - Calculate who you want and for what in the given battle. Losing the entire auxiliary fleet not so hurting like losing a 9-th level carrier...
    - Level of armor, HP and fields amount - are indicators of "fatness". The ability to withstand incoming damage a long time - is the indicator of survivability. Pay attention to the second and send the most hardy ship forward.

    - You know a magic button called "Pause"? Draw a little heart on it. At the first meeting with an epic battle, you will understand what I mean...
    - Hone your unit control. Be clear about the focus of your attention. If you do not cope - press pause.
    - Pause for 3 minutes does not mean that you are slowpoke. It means you have a serious fight.
    - If you start to feel your ships like native, so the chances of survival in the battle have been increased.
    - Fight in the best traditions of MMORPG raids: "tank" is in front and holds the damage incoming, "supports" are repair and recharge him, the others - deal own damage. Sufficiently reliable scheme, if each ship is fulfilling its role well.


    *after first meeting with 15 battleships + 2 titans*: OMG WTF?!?!
    - Dont worry, go drink of tea. If you'll survive and destroy them, then in the future they will be not so frightening to you. This, oddly enough, is possible.

    Cleaning out wells is unreal!
    - Everything is possible. Just that the farther you go, the harder the goal. I'm not Suvorov too, but quite able to succeed.
    ...and to make some epic screenshots ^_^

    So why the map is heavy load computer?
    Because Is too much fowl flying around. I'm waiting for optimized trigger system to solve it most effective in possible future addon. But now it's impossible.

    What is the essense of map?
    En Masse battles an epic scale with a turn to the style of the siege of Stalingrad at the end. The game engine sometimes makes be touched when game interface during the battle is turned off...
    Hardcore also starts only because while trying to keep track of all of the fleet when only important is needed the attention.


    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

    Edited once, last by [BC]afGun: . ().