Invisible Asteroids

There are 2 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Master.

  • All of the big asteroids in X-3043 are invisible on my laptop. It is brand new and has a good graphics card. But so it Tegaki's base and the asteroid bases in Nephele. It is rather annoying because I could be flying through X with a player on my tail, and suddenly crash into a huge invisible asteroid. Is this a known problem or is my computer just stuffed.

    C S F

    Master - Clan Leader, Recruitment Officer, Treasurer, High Command

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  • Hello Master,

    What graphics card you have and what setting you used when activated CF mod? ... on my PC I have not problem see big asteroids (and it was also not problem at 10yeras old PC with historical GK) ... it looks that this problem is on your PC.

  • But my PC is 5 days old, with a good graphics card that was set on the highest setting. Also, I have noticed that some laptops cannot use Z... Anyone know why??

    C S F

    Master - Clan Leader, Recruitment Officer, Treasurer, High Command

    Characters: Bank, Master{(Anything inside parentheses)}

    Synergy Are Recruiting. Your chance is now. Join today, and fight alongside your clan mates tomorrow.

    If you need any help, feel free to contact me. I am usually available and always willing to help.