noob in need of schooling in the arts of actually killing an NPC

There are 4 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by soberlyfe420.

  • lol where and how do i get a better ship in the beginning? i try doing missions and ive noticed the improved AI and they use shields and nanobots, which wouldnt bother me if i had bigger guns xD

  • Greetings Soberlyfe420 and welcome to Crossfire!

    While a new ship will certainly help in your quest against the NPCs, the simple fact is this:

    Even with a good ship, it is still no guarantee of success, you must utilize new strategies in taking down the harder, much more difficult NPCs of the Crossfire mod.

    My first suggestion is to make sure you have some good shield busting guns, you will never hope to penetrate their hulls if cannot get through their shields and usage of shield batteries.

    Secondly, the controls of Crossfire have been expanded and are much more important now, namely with your engine kill (drifting, i.e. Newtonian movement), reverse/full stop, your afterburner and of course, your strafes of which you now have all 4 directions, left, right and now also up and down. Master these controls and you will make yourself a much harder target to the NPCs and in turn, hopefully increase your chances of kills.

    Lastly, there are all new level 10 guns and high-end weaponry in this mod, of which most of it is rather difficult to procure, but well worth the effort to find and mount on your ship. Some of it you will be able to buy in places like on Earth in the Sol system or in Coaltion space, some of it you will have to find in wrecks like in the Yakutsk system or from the destruction of alien ships in the Inner Core. Take note, most of the places you have to find this weaponry, namely in the Inner Core will be against some of the most vicious and difficult NPCs you will have ever faced. Watch yourself out there and if you're playing online, get someone to fly with you to help improve your chances of survival exponentially.

    Hope this helps! :thumbup::D