Nvidia GeForce 9500 GT

There are 5 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Firedragon478.

  • Hi all,
    Does anyone on here use this card, and if so, what is the best way to set it up for this mod ?
    At the moment I am using "My preferences", but I am not sure if this will get the best out of the card/mod graphics. Should I use "Let the application decide" or "Use advanced 3D settings" ?
    If it is the latter - a bit of guidance would be much appreciated :-)
    Thanks !


  • well... the best way is to test it

    some applications don't do well with forced AA and AF (well... its usually just AA thats causing trouble)

    as for the rest... since i dont have the card... just post the options you have and then we'll continue

    edit: left html enabled -.-

  • Options are :-
    Anisotropic filtering - Application controlled, off, 2x,4x, 8x, 16x
    Antialiasing -Gamma correction - Off, On
    Antialiasing - Mode - Application controlled, off, enhance application setting, override application setting
    Antialiasing - Setting - 2x,4x,8x,8xQ,16x, 16xQ
    Antialiasing - Transparency - off, multisampling, supersampling
    Maximum pre-rendered frames - 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
    Texture filtering - Anisotropic sampling options - off, on
    Texture filtering- Negative LOD bias - allow, clamp
    Texture filtering - Quality - High quality, quality, performance, high performance
    Texture filtering - trilinear optimisation - 0ff, on
    Threaded optimisation - Off, on
    Triple buffering - Off, on
    Vertical sync - Use 3D application setting, force off, force on

  • I would go with:
    Anisotropic filtering - 16x
    Antialiasing -Gamma correction - Off
    Antialiasing - Mode - Application controlled
    Antialiasing - Setting -
    Antialiasing - Transparency - off
    Maximum pre-rendered frames - 2
    Texture filtering - Anisotropic sampling options - off
    Texture filtering- Negative LOD bias - clamp
    Texture filtering - Quality - High quality
    Texture filtering - trilinear optimisation - 0ff
    Threaded optimisation - on (tho' this should have default Auto option)
    Triple buffering - on
    Vertical sync - force on