DC cancels contract with UR

There are 22 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SA_ARROW.

  • Yea i was away for a copple weeks i just got the news this morning by [UR]Vishnu and now im sad ........well i guess rules are rules and no exeptions....but sireously i was omw to help someone and that cargo was from trading the day before that i had forgotten abbout cos i traded until the server restarted lol. And Max was like "" and i was thinking "ye ye" " " cos i just remembered.

    OK from now on UR will not trade more BMG and i hope there is some fun ways to make money in CF1.9

    *Just as a final note i did not intend to smuggle in DC space it was totaly be mistake and i have not gotten anny reports that other UR have smuggeled in DC space or maby ppl just failed to report to me.

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