New virus: Sasser

There are 10 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Snit.

  • Since last Friday there's a new virus hunting for innocent computers running windows 2K or XP who haven't got patched. It was named Sasser, and it results in automatically reboots, stating that "LSA Shell (Export Version) has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience". The virus doesn't harm anything (well, in this version anyway).

    Symmantec has created a removal tool which you can find here . Make sure you also update your windows operating system to ensure the closure of the hole.


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • arg kill the ppl who make such crap [3]

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    [SIZE=1] Post last edited by MarcBomber on 11.09.2005, 10:01 AM. [/SIZE]

  • windowsupdates ( all ) and a personal firewall and an anti virus

    [angel] Give me your hand and follow me into the light! [angel]

    MSN: (no mail)
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    [SIZE=1] Post last edited by MarcBomber on 11.09.2005, 10:01 AM. [/SIZE]

  • [662]


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • you need the KB835732 critical update... try here

    if u have an lenguage other than english u will need to download a specific version (not bad-english version available)

    if anybody knows where can i find the virus programmer plz tell me... ive spent all this beautiful raining monday removing the virus from all the computers at work and i want to have a word with him... [7]

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  • nitro write an anti virus who makes the same like sasser , but when he is in a system he sends his self to 1000 pcs than he fixes the hole in the system :D

    [angel] Give me your hand and follow me into the light! [angel]

    MSN: (no mail)
    ICQ: 325316059
    IRC: #Bomber
    Skype: ask me

    [SIZE=1] Post last edited by MarcBomber on 11.09.2005, 10:01 AM. [/SIZE]

  • my comp was just seriously infected with that bastard, but i kicked its ass, if anyone wants any help manually removing it as they cant get the patch (my access to the internet was down because of it) and are seeing this from another comp just say and i will PM the manual removal instructions