Selling cargo is a possible cheat?

There are 4 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Centaurian.

  • Title says it all. I was docked selling off cargo i had acquired after travelling across the universe. But when i docked and sold off cargo and then undocked again id get booted and the console said i was doing a possible cheat.

    It seems to be just H-fuel and Food rations, or at least thats what ive narrowed it down too.

    Also, it doesnt to matter where I sell them off at.

    Btw, im a new player and i love the mod ;)

  • This is not cheating , you need to restart the game from the launcher, after every server restart or crash, you always need to go out of the game and download the new updated files from the launcher.^^

    and Welcome to CF

  • I also like too not buy anything before a known restart and same before I log off, not sure if this ever matters, but if it saves time then it is fine with me!

    Cya in Space!

    I am Death, Direction, Destruction, Defiance.... *static and then loss of signal*

    Mainly known by Derenus, Derrail, I-am-D. My name in use is Derrail.

  • There is also some lag in the economy reset, since this actually is happening more than an hour before the server restart. I seem to forget this on a regular basis, at which point I just log off until restart is complete.

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)