SW Chronicles Fraktionen

  • hi Jungs!! ;)

    here are the Fraktions i Promiss you for the SW Chronickes Mod,

    I have over it after thought and I come to the end we can make this something similar one:

    [CIV-XX] = (Civilist - clan or [CIV-BH] for Bounty Hunter as correct Civile parliamentary party or [CIV-GO] Geonosian, we can do all we want) Remaining systems for CIVs (Free)

    [IMP-XX] = (Empire, Squadron / Special Unit / Clan or so) Bilbringi - Bastion

    [CSF-XX] = (Corellian Security Force - Squadron / Special Unit / Clan or so) Corellia - ?

    [NR-XX] = (New Republik - Squadron / Special Unit / Clan or so) Coruscant - Calamari

    [Jedi-XX] = (Jedi - Rank) Dagobah (for the First)

    [Sith-XX] = (Sith - Rank) Korriban (for the First)

    [GJedi-XX] = (Grey Jedi - Rank) which system??

    [DJedi-XX] = (Dark Jedi - Rang) which system??

    [SSI-XX] = (SSI_Ruuvi - Clan or so) SSI-Ruuvi Star Cluster

    [HUT-XX] = (Hutten - Clan or so) Y'Toub (Later i make it as Hutt Space whit more systems)

    [YUV-XX] = (Yuuzhan Vong - Clan or so) one part from Yavin (Yavin IV) which system?? Deep Space??

    [PIR-XX] = (Pirates - Clan or so) which system?? Bespin?? Hoth?? Mustafar??

    according to that would be my idea once... 12 parliamentary parties this in his inside still Clan / Squadron / Sub Parliamentary Parties can offer, become no more boring for you there or?? na OP you like that??

    PS. Sorry for my bad bad English!! :rolleyes: i try to learn it ervery Day bether! ;)