Giant planets

  • This tutorial explains how to resize the planets to make them nice and big. You can do this to any planet model in the game.

    All the planets are stored in DATA\SOLAR\PLANETS. For the example of the tutorial, i'll use planet_earth_3000 model to play with.

    First thing to do is make a copy of the planet_earth_3000.sph file, and rename it to the size of the planet that you want, shall we say 40000, so the renamed file should look like this, planet_earth_40000.sph

    Next step is to open up the file with UTF editor and locate the radius entry and modify this as a float array and change the number at the top to your new radius, in this case 40000.

    That's the difficult stuff over with. The next thing you need to do is to make a new entry in the Solararch.ini file located in your DATA\SOLAR folder. You can just copy and paste the entry and rename the relevant sections.

    Here is the original entry for the planet we are using,

    nickname = planet_earth_3000
    ids_name = 60203
    ids_info = 60204
    type = PLANET
    DA_archetype = solar\planets\planet_earth\planet_earth_3000.sph
    material_library = solar\planets\planet_earth.txm
    material_library = solar\planets\detailmaps\detailmap_rock01.txm
    material_library = solar\planets\detailmaps\detailmap_ocean.txm
    material_library = solar\planets\atmosphere.txm
    material_library = solar\planets\planet_earth\planet_earth.mat
    mass = 1000000
    solar_radius = 3000
    shape_name = NNM_SM_MEDIUM_FOREST_MOON

    Which now needs to look like this,

    nickname = planet_earth_40000 <----------- Number changed to new radius
    ids_name = 60203
    ids_info = 60204
    type = PLANET
    DA_archetype = solar\planets\planet_earth\planet_earth_40000.sph <---- Number changed
    material_library = solar\planets\planet_earth.txm
    material_library = solar\planets\detailmaps\detailmap_rock01.txm
    material_library = solar\planets\detailmaps\detailmap_ocean.txm
    material_library = solar\planets\atmosphere.txm
    material_library = solar\planets\planet_earth\planet_earth.mat
    mass = 1000000
    solar_radius = 40000 <----------------------Radius changed here
    shape_name = NNM_SM_MEDIUM_FOREST_MOON

    Next thing to do is add it to a system,

    nickname = EW05_planet_1
    ids_name = 123456
    spin = 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
    rotate = 0, 0, 0
    pos = 0, 0, 0
    archetype = planet_earth_50000 <------- Make sure you use the new planet model name
    atmosphere_range = 51000 <-------- Change the atmosphere setting to the new size
    burn_color = 255, 222, 160
    ids_info = 123456

    Then add a death zone. Remember this needs to be bigger than the planet size but smaller than the atmosphere size.

    nickname = Zone_EW05_planet_1_death
    pos = 0, 0, 0
    shape = SPHERE
    size = 50500 <-------- New number
    damage = 9999999 <------ This number guarantees you get vapourized
    sort = 99.500000
    density = 0
    relief_time = 0



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!