Nomad Weapons

There are 8 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Hellraiser.

  • I've reached level 34, bought an eagle, got a few programmed weapons from wreck in the Omicron systems and decided to go into the first UNKNOWN system to get one or two nomad weapons.

    So far I've killed maybe a hundred of them and got nothing. I'd like to know what the drop rates on them are, so I can know whether I should just keep searching or if the odds are very low, in which case I'll just get the class 9 turret and use my already strong ARCHANGEL/GUARDIAN's.

    Thanks a lot!

  • I think you are just being unlucky m8.

    Don't know what the drop rate is but it is not that difficult to get them. There is an event called the nomad hunt where you get an hour to collect nomad weapons. I have managed 11 weapons in one hour.

    Alternatively, turn up to one of those events. If you don't manage to get any weapons during it I am sure someone will give you a couple afterwards.

    Lt-Cornel Ancalagon the Black

    The early bird might get the worm
    The second mouse gets the cheese

  • Hi and welcome, Dakilleux


    I've reached level 34

    If i'm not completely mistaken, that's the problem: You have to have level 36 or something like that in order to get nomad weapons. At least that's what i remember from Freelancer, dunno if it's the same in Crossfire.
    Once they start dropping their guns when you kill them, the rate is pretty high, you should have enough weapons after killing like 20 of them.

  • Lucy`s right... You need level 36 to be able to get nomad weapons. Or you can ask someone, who`s completely bored, to get you some...^^

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    Being a Cynic isn't that bad. Either I'm right or I am pleasantly surprised.

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  • Quote

    Originally posted by lucy in the sky
    Hi and welcome, Dakilleux

    If i'm not completely mistaken, that's the problem: You have to have level 36 or something like that in order to get nomad weapons. At least that's what i remember from Freelancer, dunno if it's the same in Crossfire.
    Once they start dropping their guns when you kill them, the rate is pretty high, you should have enough weapons after killing like 20 of them.

    I've read a faq and it said 32 in SP and 34 in MP...

    It may be wrong.

    Anyway, I installed CF so I'm not going to hunt anymore.

  • I am lvl 35 and in a eagle
    and i got them try outside omicrom alpah but gamma is besdt