Word Association

There are 11,645 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Michael.

  • You will be my quarry (nothing personal only reply) [10]


    From the darkness we come to the darkness we all shall go
    Facilis descencus Averno. Qui non vetat peccare, cum possit, iubet. Sine cruce, sine luce, nihil interit. Pulvis et umbra sumus.


    The descent to Hell is easy. He who does not forbid sin commands it. Without the cross, without the light, nothing dies. We are but dust and shadows.
    Eve online chars: RavenMcDougal

  • Baster Banny [sniper]


    From the darkness we come to the darkness we all shall go
    Facilis descencus Averno. Qui non vetat peccare, cum possit, iubet. Sine cruce, sine luce, nihil interit. Pulvis et umbra sumus.


    The descent to Hell is easy. He who does not forbid sin commands it. Without the cross, without the light, nothing dies. We are but dust and shadows.
    Eve online chars: RavenMcDougal

  • Soul Cake Duck

    [8] Darkwulf - The Secret Squirrel of Freelancer [8]
    <img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/darkwulf-swe-/linksig.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

  • cunard

    [8] Darkwulf - The Secret Squirrel of Freelancer [8]
    <img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/darkwulf-swe-/linksig.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

  • What the Hell is that [728]


    From the darkness we come to the darkness we all shall go
    Facilis descencus Averno. Qui non vetat peccare, cum possit, iubet. Sine cruce, sine luce, nihil interit. Pulvis et umbra sumus.


    The descent to Hell is easy. He who does not forbid sin commands it. Without the cross, without the light, nothing dies. We are but dust and shadows.
    Eve online chars: RavenMcDougal

  • Quote


    posted by LaserJet6L

    Ragnarok Gunboat, The gunboat that blends

    between Freigter and a Cap-ship. :rolleyes:

    I've been here since Crossfire 1.5 - 2005.
    Good times.
    Maybe it's time to come back?

  • What are you looking at

    this post? i wont tell a word! [983]


    From the darkness we come to the darkness we all shall go
    Facilis descencus Averno. Qui non vetat peccare, cum possit, iubet. Sine cruce, sine luce, nihil interit. Pulvis et umbra sumus.


    The descent to Hell is easy. He who does not forbid sin commands it. Without the cross, without the light, nothing dies. We are but dust and shadows.
    Eve online chars: RavenMcDougal

  • beautiful

    CrossFire Police Department

    The goal of a soldier at war is not to die for his country, but to make the other basta** die for his.

    -- General George S. Patton

    Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die.
    Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die.
    Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die.
    He ain't gonna jump no more.

    --excerpt from Blood on the Risers