Revan's Shadow

Revan of the Republic Alliance flying freely though space, presumably smuggling something illegal in pursuit by the authorities.

Comments 5

  • IMHO old Seething Fury model looked a bit better, but perhaps that's just me. Anyway, a nice screenshot :)

    • I've never seen the old one!? Were the wings different on it? And thanks, I liked the shadow and how this system looks with the new stars, forgot where this was.

    • Only screenshot I have (low-detail, ship to the left):…25-05-14-Inner-Core-raid/ It was a bit bulkier, with horizontal smaller wings. BTW this system is IIRC Dublin, or Unknown 1 (I lean more towards Dublin).

    • I think you're right about about this being Dublin. I saw the old ship pic, tough call. I didn't get to fly that ship, so I can't really give a fair comparison.

    • Well, it's NP and a subjective matter anyway :)