Confederation capship Caernaven under fire

A light escort ship, the Caernaven frigate is a ubiquitous warship still deployed along the front lines. At a fraction the cost of a regular fleet destroyer, the ubiquitous Caernaven is the Swiss army knife of the Terran arsenal, able to do any routine task with ease. Fast and nimble, its laser batteries and anti-fighter missile launchers serve as effective deterrence against Kilrathi fighters and light raiders. From assuming a traditional convoy escort role to patrol duty, this aged frigate still performs whatever duty it is assigned with the quiet dignity of a seasoned soldier.

Name Caernaven-class
Length configurable up to 620m
Phase Shields 1000 cm
Armor 600 cm
Max Velocity 180 kps
Yaw/Pitch/Roll 5/5/5 dps
Spacecraft Complement N/A
Armament - (04) Heavy Laser Turret, (02) Missile Turret
Multiple Torpedo Tube