Multiplayer PickUps

dc_sl_p-repair.gif Repair - Fully Repairs your shields and armors.
dc_sl_p-missile.gif Missile - Gives you one missile.
dc_sl_p-shieldsdown.gif Shield's Down - Disables your shields for a limited amount of time.
dc_sl_p-counter.gif Counter Measure - Prevents enemy missiles from locking on. Press down on the D button.
dc_sl_p-invulnurability.gif Invulnerability - Makes you indestructible for a limited time.
dc_sl_p-proxmine.gif Proximity Mine - Gives you one mine. Deploy with the launch missile key.
dc_sl_p-fuel.gif Fuel - Provides additional aftermurner fuel.
dc_sl_p-reverse.gif Reverse Yoke - Reverses the directions of the pitch and yaw controls.
dc_sl_p-cloak.gif Ship Cloak - Gives you limited time invisibility. If you fire a weapon you become visible.
dc_sl_p-halfspeed.gif Half-Max Speed - Decreases your maximum speed for a limited time.
dc_sl_p-commrelay.gif Comm Relay - Provides immunity from the 'Dark Reign' gun platform.
dc_sl_p-beacon.gif Beacon - Collect several to trigger a nuclear strike, killing all opponents.
dc_sl_p-tagbomb.gif Tag Bomb Countdown Timer - Indicates when a bomb explodes. Shoot another ship to pass the bomb.
dc_sl_p-vampire.gif Vampire - Appears if you are tagged as a vampire.
dc_sl_p-shadow.gif Shadow - Appears if you attain shadow status.