Dralthi Fun!

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    Remember the TrainSim (aka Squadron)? The 'arcade game' in the Tiger's Claw was both your first step into the original Wing Commander and a fun way to learn to fight the Kilrathi. Under the hood, the game treats the TrainSim as its own series of four missions (in fact, this is likely why there are four 'slots' in each series for potential missions in the first two games.) Each of these missions has four Nav Points that the player can't see because you can't access navigation or the map. The first has the wave with one enemy, the second two, the third three and the fourth four. A careful examination of the game's data reveals that each of these nav points has its own name... and they can be pretty funny!

    Here are the point (or wave) names from the original version of the game:

    Point 1: 12:00 at O.K. Corral
    Point 2: Couple o' Nasties
    Point 3: Triplet Terror
    Point 4: Fear the Four

    Point 1: Solo Flight
    Point 2: Daring Duo
    Point 3: Triple Threat
    Point 4: Fantastic Four

    Point 1: Brave Fighter
    Point 2: Kilrathi Wingmen
    Point 3: Kilrathi Squad
    Point 4: Gratha Leader

    Point 1: Good Odds
    Point 2: Still Good Odds
    Point 3: Not So Good Odds
    Point 4: Set Up (Sting)

    For The Secret Missions, the names are changed up (except the Salthi!)

    Point 1: Dralthi Fun
    Point 2: Two Dralthi
    Point 3: Three Dralthi
    Point 4: This is Boring

    Point 1: Krants on Drugs
    Point 2: Two Krant
    Point 3: Three Krant
    Point 4: Four of these ships

    Point 1: Big and Slow Gratha
    Point 2: More Gratha
    Point 3: Yet More Gratha
    Point 4: The Final Battle
