Tips for the Winter Race

There is 1 reply in this Thread. The last Post () by Candalera.

  • Hi all, I just thought I'd post some tips for the winter event grind race, to take the edge off the difficulty for those who struggle to sprint on ice (I know I struggled at first, and still do when the bot actually spawns).

    Firstly, if you have at least Tier 2 Delta Reputation you can slot the Physical Conditioning trait, which gives + 5% run speed. Not earth shattering but every little helps right?

    Secondly, getting Q to morph you into something can be helpful (though there is some controversy on this). I find being a Horta gives great traction and control, though quadrapeds give more speed. Its up to you, but its worth playing round with if your struggling.

    Both things help to boost your passive run speed without requiring you to sprint, which crushes your traction. And should you have to sprint you get more bang for your buck.

    The frozen boots, available from the winter event store also boost your speed significantly but at a great cost to traction. I personally dont use them, but if you can master them they give you a noticeable edge over the bot. Risky though.

    If they ever get around to it, the Run mod that was supposed to be on crafted ground weapons would also be an enormous boon. Sadly cryptic wont even admit its missing, so I doubt itll help this year. Roll on next December though.

    Anyway fleeties, I hope this helps anyone else new to the race or otherwise struggling. Please do point out anything I've missed - I still come off the track or get beaten by the bot myself sometimes so would appreciate the knowledge.

  • Hi!

    A littel bit late for this year winter event but its worth to know i think.
    FIrst i tell you how i control my toon when i make a winter race for the Q Marks.
    I use W for run(go) forward and use the mouse to change direction. ( Press right button)
    Press shift to sprint.
    So at the start aim your toon to the tree far behind and when the breen says go press and hold w and press once the shift key to start sprinting.
    Pass the tree left side change the direction with the mouse and pressed right button then doubble press W so your toon maks a rol in this direction.
    The toon stopps for a moment but dont worry press and hold W press shift key once to start sprint again until the next corner the game starts from new.
    Change direction (mouse + pressed right button) doubble W for the roll , W hold down short shiftkey press to start sprint and so on.

    Other strategie is to sprint to a corner then jump (use space key). Importen is that before your toon lands on his, her, it feed release the W key.
    the toon will stop immediately (if you still press W your toon will slide)
    change direction (mouse + reight button) press hold W and a short press of shift so you sprint to the next corner there the again and so on ....

    I think frosted boots are not faster or work when you run for Q Marks. For Fast and flurrios the do.
    the Untin exo armor gives you a runspeed increase if you make a roll and that works when you run for Q Marks and also for fast and flurrios.
    hope links to sto wiki are ok
    8472 Counter-Command Elite - Star Trek Online Wiki

    For info the doubble klick for the roll can be swithed on or off in the groundsettings. so check this if it dosent work!!! (Options - Controls - check Region should ground [you have only change this if you make this in space] - Tap momvent direction twice to roll must be on to make a roll)