(IOC)Horus Hotepsekhemui Corporal

  • Male
  • 55
  • from Regulus star system :-: 77 ± 1 ly
  • Member since Dec 6th 2011
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  • hi horus im the new recruit so just saying hi to you hopefully see you in space fellow pilot

    • Ahoy, and Welcome aboard!

      I've been having some CF launch issues might have to do another reinstall, but I home to see you flying about when I return.

    • yes mate you sure will see me if need any help happy to help and what issues ya having

    • My Malwarebytes installation keeps flagging FL as an attack on the system, it closes down the game after the MP update runs just before it launches. I've put the FL.exe, the CF.exe, and the whole FL folder in the Exceptions list but it does not good.

      Not sure what to do but start over.

    • best thing to do is use a site called VirusTotal will scan the file url etc from loads of databases to see if you av and maware software is playing up thats what i wold do mate i have no flags coming up on mine at all so try that mate

    • In the past, a few such problems were solved by reporting a false positive to the developers of the AV software. Hope this helps!

  • Banner wing design by MercyMurder at Deviant Art.