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Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • summing up.... the development started later... is going to be finished sooner... more players will be able to play it due to lower system requirements and the features so far look more promising and more innovative so far i havent heared anything bad about this game
  • It might not offer more gameplay than other games we know... but it also does not offer less.Sometimes it might be just best to focus on stuff that proved to be working instead of inventing new stuff that ppl dont need and dont want. Ive never played elite before. But what Ive seen so far is exactly what I want to do.Jump into the cockpit... plot a course to a random star system and start killing some jerks there. How to populate 400 billion star systems?By scripts (there were space games befor…
  • The thing is with 400 billion system the developers for sure will create many of them via procedural generation.But not all systems will be created this way. There always will be core worlds... and special worlds where war like events will happen.There would be worlds that are part of the story while others are only there to be explored.When there are online events then the chances that players will jump into the event systems is more than just likely.The core worlds also will be well visited s…
  • nobody needs to bring back anything. If you believe that the scifi game genre was dead or inactive then you must have missed alot. Battlestar Galactica Online, Freespace (countless of fan projects), Shattered Worlds, Nexus, Starshatter, Acamar Rising, Starshatter, Tarr Chronicles, Wing Commander Arena, Aces of the Galaxy, Dark Horizon, Shattered Horizon, Arvoch Alliance, Black Prophecy, X2: The Threat, Evochron Alliance, X3: Reunion, DarkStar One, Galaxy on fire, Galaxy on fire 2, Oolite, Evoch…
  • holy book = windows manual?if so you might be right
  • yep lets praise the penguinor this might happen ... well... maybe its too late already