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  • ZEE I wonder what you expect with the term (Quote)All what makes this kind of games (Elite and its sequels, Independance War, Freespace Descent and Freespace 2, Tachon The Fringe, Starlancer, Freelancer, Wing commander, Battlecruiser 3000 A.D., etc. etc. ...)FIGHTING - EXPLORING - TRADINGwas set by ... Elite (well, I might have forgot BUILDING as i.e. the X-series ) and about the "diversity" of gameplay,...even as the CF nut that I became here, I have to confess that EDWILL offer ways of playin…
  • @ Zee (Quote)There was/is such a game, including space-dogfight, space-capshipbattling, aircombat, tankcombat, FPS,hundreds of systems, alien races, a plethora of different factions and "roles" to take on as a player,in its last release it even had the possibility of online multiplay,that was "Battlecruiser Millenium Gold" but imho due to its/this immense complexity, causing a in parts nightmarish interface interaction,aggravated by available technology to the developer at that time, it hadn't …
  • Nice find, Zee Good explanation of how "procedural generation" works.(BTW, if anybody's interested, here's a link to the developers site : No Man's Sky )
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) Then ... let us all switch to the Big Penguin (Quote from The Original)in THIS list you forgot the book that's the source code of the other books, the jewish thora, ...which had its source code in the babylonian Gilgamesch-epos .... ... and about correction, you know that Mohammad "went" up to the sky ?I've visited his "launch site", the "quabbat as-sachra" (dome of the rock) at "al-Quds" or Heruschalajim, his shuttle left an imprint on lift off, that can still be seen.…
  • arghhh, once again we're going and I even fueled it , have to gimme adislike myself Can someone do it for me ? SomeONE , only ONCE please