Search Results

Search results 61-71 of 71.

  • mp only
  • 1. the way it is now is already the best possible way, the FL engine was not build for that crap2. read the change log3. see point 14. i highly doubt that
  • not going to happen
  • - NPC cargo volumes readjusted (this fixes a problem with mass settings for utility ships and prevents massive train raids)- turret zoom added (limited use)- dynamic singleplayer difficulty added (has no effect on chars below lvl 20; above that a difficulty curve will take influence on NPCs)
  • (Quote from Marauder) we actually have that alreadyfreighters use a cargo drop fuse (but only freighters)
  • actually all the cargo was dropped.... but big parts were destroyed by the explosion... a matter of setting
  • New ships in CF1.9:ClawFlatheadFoxhoundVigilantSeahorseRapierCaymanApophisColony ShipYggdrasil BattleshipInquisitor DreadnoughtCelestis DreadnoughtNavitas BattleshipMaelstrom BattleshipHarbinger DreadnoughtRetribution BattleshipManticore DreadnoughtIteron BattleshipThoraxCatalystNighthawk Sretensk Hideout addedChkalovsk Rogue Base addedAchinsk Station added(3 Coalition Rogue stations)Coalition Rogue bribe added
  • i wont delete anything (at least i dont think it is neccessary)
  • Mission 28: Crossfire Chapter 7 - Hyperspace has just be removed from the mod ive just finished revising mission 27 and decided to give it a different ending which fits better to the story lineas result the hyperspace mission had to be removed so the storyline remains logical -> not a big loss as it was just a very short mission(it is simply more logical to let trent not jump to hyperspace and back at this moment)