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  • @ OP, i was wondering if it would be possible to add the bank feature to CF 1.8.X. the reason i'm asking is because i know in order to transfer funds between char's you need help from someone who is online. i think the bank feature would solve this prob and would allow a player to continue to trade and make credits and keep depositing the excess in the bank. i know that any of the 5 char within one acct can access those same credits and that would be really useful. do you think this feature is …
  • well, as a general rule for pirates you could just kill them get the 100K and any cargo they may be carrying. it was just an idea to make it easier for players to move credits among their own char's without having to rely on someone. you do make a valid point about taxing and that wasn't my intent. i still think the bank idea would be more beneficial to everyone and wouldn't cause too much damage to the pirate RP.-PipeHitter.