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  • Do not concern yourself with such devices... if the pilots, stations, planets, ect. disappear, what will remain to be shot at ? Besides you can just get away from it can you not ? Just activate your hyperspace window generator, pass trough the window and you're safe Oh and another thing - Black Holes have got to have some exit point... mass doesn't just disappear into thin air.
  • Meaning ? The blackhole consumes the mass/whatever it bites and adds it to it's own size, like putting snow in your hand then more then shape it and put more snow, eventually getting a bigger snowball or whatever you shape it in (I hope someone understands the analogies lol).
  • (Quote) Unless you use guns Who knows if you're accurate enough and not CD spamming enough you might actually get + on the cash rofl. About the singularity bomb - do we really need it ? I mean come on, one uber-killer small thingy that messes up heads, might be supremely expensive, and quite honestly, might not live up to anyone's expectations...If you want it that bad, make it so that it consumes the 1.8 universe rofl.
  • Well threats will fall on deaf ears I will guarantee it, it's a good thing, nice concept, cool tactical weapon and will be great for RP indeed But in PvP 1 on 1 fight it will be a complete waste of money... Anyway, we'll see how it is developed in the end, we have faith in you OP.
  • Troll posts pwn :D... I'd like to see where that bomb takes us MWHAHAHAHA