Search Results

Search results 1-9 of 9.

  • So the "Veteran" part will be released too ? (in public) Normally that comes after a series of in game training And well, only to the "legal" side players, but that doesn't rlly matter lately, if the enemies are too easy, it's not fair, neither fun... that's why Maxbur was giving out lessons/training sessions few months ago. And well, Forlon got up to "Professional" and the bit in "Veteran" about "Rotations" in his trainings
  • (Quote from /V\ichael) (Quote from Cryzis) Wait, wait, you misunderstood it cus of the phrase in the beggining ( and missing the " " ? ), I was actually glad for this as it's great for theese times and that you are doing (or continueing) what Maxbur, your old/first trainer did, sharing the knowledge freely Notice -> "" if the enemies are too easy, it's not fair, neither fun "" That points positively to this. As well the part of ""And well, only to the "legal" side players, but that doesn't rlly…
  • At least now you know them, and they are step by step, it's much easier than when you didn't even know they exist. And well, the button options are not more than what's in the Config list. It's jsut the way you use the ship's features that makes the magic
  • (Quote from Cryzis) Right, go near their planets where wings of machines keep coming, and survive, quite a nice training as you can do it in SinglePlayer (for those with limited internet or for the singleplayers)
  • Well, it's just a delay, it's good news that they will still be uploaded and published sooner or later Take your time to make them correctly, with no rush, so people can understand the tips correctly.
  • That the original creator of this idea and videos, CFPD Crysis is no longer between us. He's alive, just he was... well, forced out. That's why he is not registered anymore as his account is deleted. Anyway, people have all the videos needed, the last Aftermath video was not finished, but all the levels from beginner to veteran are posted, so it should be enough to make anyone a professional fighter, or to at least be able to defend himself from other veterans.
  • Yes, and it's better keeping that this way, as it is, in his memory.
  • At least on this forum, he won't.
  • Welcome back around mate, glad to see you again... it was getting unanimated without you