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  • Ah Riebens, don't scare the man with end-level NPC hostiles... lol Welcome Diggity (sry, digi ), In short, things you have to keep in mind: - ship load, this happens everywhere, every item you have on your ship adds mass, and like in real life, mass creates inertia, harder to start and to stop. Weapons, ammo, cargo hold stuff (goods and etc) they all add mass. With less stuff you have, faster you go.- Clouds /Nebulas: they half your movement and speed, if you notice your speed is a bit lower, a…
  • Now that's unusual, normally it crashed for ppl when you speak with Orilion, for a known reason, but to crash when it undocks ? Anyway, a crash in an unusual point of the campaign can mean that, yeah, some file is corrupted or dissapeared, or not "updated" because the file was as "Read Only" before activating the mod. Sorry, but if for real you have no way to avoid it, like selling stuff of your ship, changing ship /weapons/scanner n everything, it sounds like you'll have to reinstall it again …
  • Right, REMEMBER to SAVE your savefiles (usually named as "savex9f0t" and stuff like that), just copy and paste the whole folder.
  • Later you are supposed to dock smaller /non capital ship dockable stations, so buying something bigger is not a way, and it shouldn't even be possible for you, as they cost in several hundred of millions fully equipped.