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Search results 1-7 of 7.

  • I have a dream too.. I dream of being able to play this mod as a GIRL. So I'm speaking up for all the other girls who love the game.. can we have a girl character? Please? Just one would satisfy me.. Without losing our existing accounts of course.. [10]
  • How the hell often does Trent talk? LOL. If we use Juni's character, couldn't we use her voice too? As long as she's not hitting up the babes in the bar like Trent.. ROFL.. On the other hand.. I don't really care if shes a lesbian.. as long as my char doesn't look like Trent.. or a Junker.. It's only fair us girls get represented in the game... and with all this talk about get the characters more interactive, I would think it'd be more interesting, and more realistic.. since we DO play too.. Wh…
  • OK OP.. I guess us girls can live with the man-voice if we have no other options.. it soooo sucks that all the great games only have man characters.. its like girls who like to play don't exist.. ho hum.. [5] take that Bill Gates..
  • So, what about it OP? Can one of the girls record Trent's dialogue for the Juni character? I have to admit that's a great idea.. if it can be done.
  • (Quote) I think OP has more than enough to do right now than worry about hundreds of dialog files.. I KNOW you dont want the release of 1.8 to be pushed back another month.. do you? I know I dont.. so the girls will live with the man-voice for now.. and if OP wants to work on it later, then we're both in Germany.. I'll volunteer to do the dialogs, if he wants. It was a great idea.. but seems too time consuming to attempt now..
  • I wholeheartedly agree with Damian about the money issue. It would be great to have a Bank of Sirius from which we could load money onto any char, without constantly switching and having to locate someone for transfers.. that would really be convenient.. Great Idea! I also think Kerm has a truly inspired idea about updating commodities to create more diverse trade routes. That would make everyone's RP both more exciting and challenging.. for the cops, the pirates, the smugglers and the freelanc…
  • Ok.. first I didn't check to see if this had been said before.. so if it has I second the motion.. lol I get annoyed with the top bar of the hud.. you know the one.. with the flight deck.. the bar.. the commodities trader.. why the hell do we need that little drop down icon? Let's get rid of that.. its a waste of time.. and it saves a click.. or 10...