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  • Threads Missing

    (Quote)Doesn't every clan have a by now?Well, here's Heartillery'
  • Threads Missing

    (Quote)How is that even possible with more than 8 serverclans? Excuse my mathematical ignorance if I get this wrong, but you need at least 8 serverclans and 9 euro's out of you're own pocket to keep the server running. If, the server is 169 as you said somewhere before.UAC: 20CFPD: 20TRF: 20IOC: 20DC: 20LP: 20<3: 20H5N1: 20 + 160 Now I didn't add some of the clans that I haven't seen in a while and I have excluded BG.Tell me, does my math suck, do clans claim systems without paying, did they fo…