Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • When I installed crossfire I set the main menu music to something I don't really like that much by mistake. Is there a way to change it without re installing? If not it's no big deal...
  • Uh... explain how changing the menu music to one of the other themes you had messes up the game??? I'm honestly confused...
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) Okay, I can understand that. If you send me a private message you have my word that I won't tell anyone else about it. If not then maybe just a little hint?
  • We all know how long reinstalling can take, especially with my luck everything that can go wrong will go wrong lol... I honestly don't care enough to go through the trouble when I'm sure there's a much quicker solution. I've already tinkered with it a little bit myself, but I haven't quite nailed it yet. Edit: Okay, with some help I've figured it out. And like I said OP, I won't tell anyone how, you have my word. Maybe in a future update you could put an option in the launcher that lets you cha…