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  • A tractor trailer barreled into a crowded Christmas market in Berlin on Monday night, killing 12 people and injuring 48 others. Berlin Christmas market: 12 dead, 48 injured in truck crash - Condolences to the families and friends of the victims of this cowardly attack.And I wish all injured people all the best. At this moment there are many different information in the news.It could be an accident, but the most people think it was an attack.
  • SWAT_OP-R8RUnfortunately I can "like" you posting only one time! If I could I would like to "like" it >1000 times, because I am absolutely agree. A problem what we have in Germany called "German Angst". A lot of people are affraid that we have to many refugees in Germany.In my opinion: this is bullshit! There a good comparison I read a lot of month ago:There is a pub. 80 German are in this pub. Suddenly a refugee come in this pup. And now a lot of people say: This is a foreign infiltration.
  • (Quote from Portalearth) OMG! The world isn't black or white! Not all muslims are fanatics. Most of the muslims I know are friendly and cooperatively. And btw: you have assholes in every country/religion/society.To say most muslims are radicalized is the same like to say most of European are right-wing extremist.
  • (Quote from denne) Yes, I smiled when I read this in the news.It sounds like passport of the pilots which flown in the WTC! The passports were found later, too. Or it sound like this