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  • OK, gunny has been desperate to ban me, he has done it again (4th time all have been taken back), I'd love to know why, here is the latest reason.... Tell me why I deserved this? Is it because he was spamming me and I asked him to shut up? Dunno. Obviously this does not tell the full story, because he had already accused me of pvp in NY. Something he later backed down on. Bottom line is that he has been looking for a reason to ban me from day 1. Seems fair to me. EDIT: I see gunny has added som…
  • (Quote) I'd rather you posted all of these screenies you have, so that we can see who is being harrassed. The fact that you said I would come here and "cry" is enough of the abuse I was looking for. I'm only "crying" because of the "attention" I get. Me and other GAY members. Let me see these screenies which make me out to be bad.
  • OK, Gunny has been on here 3 times since I posted my last message. Nothing. Nothing, except me still being banned, for whatever I am supposed to have done. Still not explained. Can anyone else justify my banning, or am I being paranoid?
  • (Quote) Please re-arrange the above into a sentence. Oh, and whilst I'm here, please stick to the topic.
  • (Quote) How is this relevant? This has nothing to do with the thread. I was there when that happened and the only reason he got annoyed was because you called him an Idiot. Still, thanks for your input.
  • Gunny, I'm still waiting for: A: The reason I was banned. B: These incriminating screenies you have (threatened me with) C: Any, yes, any excuse. I know you are on the server. I would ask you all to think about this. Unless Gunny can prove (or even tell me) what I have done wrong, What is to stop him from banning you? My advice would be to not have an opinion, and if he accuses you of something to simply accept.
  • Can you get that soap? Still banned.
  • Come on Gunny, at least tell me why I am banned. Drop and give me 50. Surely I deserve at least to know why you have banned me?
  • Come on Gunny, explain my ban. And host those screenies. Show me how bad I am.
  • STILL BANNED. We shall not be moved, we shall not be moved. At least not until the old firm game. Tell me why I am banned!
  • (Quote) Let me get this straight, someone flies into my train, dies, and I get banned??? Gunny has already established that I did nothing wrong in this instance. There will be a lot of people dying in NY due to flying into things in the near future is my prediction. Let's see if they all get banned. Somehow I doubt it. Gunny, try to move into the 20th if not the 21st century.
  • (Quote) That would be a 1st.
  • @OP, I believe George was talking about the right to free speech. @Ruivo....I did pm him, he failed to reply. Yes, possibly I have been overly dramatic, but how would you feel for being banned because someone crashed into you? This is not the 1st time Gunny has chosen to ban me for something, let's say, dubious. Now, as OP has made his final decision (which I must respect), I have no choice but to wait it out until later tonight when my 24 hour ban runs out. For me this chapter is at an end. BT…
  • Jonesy, why you feel the need to post that is beyond me. The fact that the conversation you speak of happened months ago and was taken completely out of context seem to make no difference to you. Please change the record. Still, that doesn't surprise me, as you were only too happy to stop us from travelling about 4 times in the space of one hour back then. About the same time you were employing Trainwiz to be your stooge. Did the fact that I have already typed that for me this chapter has ended…
  • (Quote)Are you suggesting I was chasing down a star-flier in a train? The player (name escapes me) ran into my train. Something I can do nothing about due to the physical attributes of both ships. In fact, I was actually stationary. As I have previously mentioned the SP do get all DUE respect. As you are not aware, nor can you be, of previous incidents then you are not aware of the history or the full story. No-one is claiming any harrassment or abuse from any other players or clan towards the …