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  • in RL my friends know that i look at every detail in those movies i watch so today ill have something to think about... we all know StarWars (and especially the new episodes) and most of you should know the movie "A life less ordinary" right? yeah in both Ewan McGregor is a main character... in SW he is ObiWan and in the other movie he is a kidnapper nothing impressive yet... but lets look at the dialoges of "a life less ordinary" where Cameron Diaz said to Ewan McGregor -> "you have to listen …
  • oh whiskey well if you look at it more closely then whiskey is exactly like the "force" first you drink a bit and everything starts to be totally clear and bright (the light side) and then as more you drink everything get weired... it doesnt seem to be that clear anymore and then you have a blackout (the dark side) have ever looked at this point of view? if you ask me i would say that George Lucas had a damn good whiskey when he wrote the story of StarWars
  • if pandora would be on the darkside i would try to be her flashlight