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  • Hi again Dark With 6 Class-10 guns, Bullpup Mk II and Redemption are the most agile (I think). - Wanderer -
  • All ships that are more maneuverable have only 4 weapon slots for Class 10; the fastest of them should be Cayman and Saracen. (I recommend Saracen) In recent years people also became fond of bugged/small ships like Chimera or Iguana, which are not very agile but are very hard to hit, so it's easier to survive in them. You could try one of these too. P.S. My own favourite ship is Reaper. But it's neither agile nor small
  • Don't believe the infocards mate... Cayman and Saracen, for example, are more agile than all fighters you listed. P.S. If you are using Armor Upgrades, you can experiment with heavier ships / lighter armor or vice versa. Some people used to fly Redemption with Armor Class 3-5, and said it was agile enough.
  • Maybe you can sell the embedded shield back at full price (7 mill) when buying the ship. P.S. If you don't like the Redemption, buy a Pink Eagle - it is a little more agile, and looks cool!
  • They have different types: Brigandine is positron - good against tachyon and neutron weapons; Champion is graviton - good against laser and photon.You should choose a shield which gives you better protection against weapons of your typical enemies.