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  • F1 bug or what??

    Okay, i am a little bit angry about this F1 fine...I went from sol, to new london with my mates. I had about 1,4 mil only. We fought with Dons, but reached london. I docked, and i want to check my other chars and pressed F1. Then my m8 said that i lost 1,4 mil, because using F1 in combat. Combat??? wtf?! [3] i wasn't in combat at new london, and what is this fine? I lost 1,4 mil for nothing. Can sy explain what the hack is going on? If i want to play, and fight with NPC-s, and quit, i loose mon…
  • F1 bug or what??

    actually, i was undock after i dock... and press F1 in front of the planet, without any agression, no shoot, no hostile fleet. Inferno: i wasn't in a fight... next time read not just answer...and i lost not 1 million, but 1,46 million.
  • F1 bug or what??

    yes... i have 0 credit on that char right now. The good thing is that no one can tax me But it's a little bit stupid, that i fight with npc-s, and when i want to change char after i killed the npc-s, i get fined...
  • F1 bug or what??

    i see... well i was fined for 1,46 million. If i don't want to be fined, how should i quit? (of course NOT in combat...)
  • F1 bug or what??

    (Quote) yes yes, i also love to be fined for nothing... you guys don't like to read first comment?
  • F1 bug or what??

    i understand, and i don't have problem with problem is that i was NOT in combat... and only shooted by NPC before... but i docked at London, then undock, then my m8 ask me about one of my char, so i want to check where is that ship, and i get fined! not 1 mil, but all of my money was taken... and i think this is not good.
  • F1 bug or what??

    (Quote) but when i kill that sbdy the combat is over... and yes, i killed the NPC in sol.and if the fine is 1mil, then don't take more money then 1 mil.
  • F1 bug or what??

    but why did i get all-of-money fine, and not only 1 mil ? So i have to wait 30 sec after being shoot, and not get fined?
  • F1 bug or what??

    Today i saw this
  • F1 bug or what??

    (Quote) what the...ohh... that's much better