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  • NY campers

    typically those units that own systems should have their stores or banks in their own system. I plan on moving mine there as soon as my connection will allow me to (getting cable next tues). Those freelancers that do not have a home system should be allowed to keep their stores there. I think the problems OP is expressing are those people that are running from certain death because they pissed too many people off. They go hide in NY. If he turns NY into a PvP zone I know a lot of folks that are…
  • NY campers

    I have played no other mods for Fl but CF. I have noticed though that in the regular Fl servers NY is still a PvP zone. Yes, new players die but for the most part people are reasonably polite to newcomers. Those that are not need to be dealt with not only by the server police but also hunted by the role play police. If someone were to contact me in game (yes my connection is fixed and i am back) then I would attempt some sort of police protection for them.