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Search results 1-20 of 27.

  • Hehehe... looks like it's time to get some new chars
  • Yes, that is the whole point to a blockade. You either stop the trade in question or all the merchants die. Good RP.
  • I was wondering... have CSF pilots been rising to the challenge and killing BG for tresspassing? We have a great RP system set up but it almost seems like people are ignoring it.
  • Cyber is a cap-ship killer... I think I'm stearing clear of the next scruffle. I found that I couldn't survive more than 20 seconds after engaging From what I've gathered there are two definite sides to this right? BG, SL (as long as they are payed), and IOC vs anyone who wants to smuggle, right?
  • I'd have to agree that this is a hotspot for RP. People have come to recognize Dublin as an important system in sector trade and are willing to go to great legnths to overthrow any effort to regulate the traffic traveling through. I would hope that BG keeps this going indefinately and that people derive ASF - CSF RP out of it as well. There's a lot of potential in this scenario and it seems that nobody is exlcuded from it As part of my own RP I will be supporting the blockade. Though I love gov…
  • You left out the part where you sometimes die when the pursuit ends. Either way, the hunt makes it fun. Don't just sit there and give up if they pass you by. Go after them and try to make them pay for their offense.
  • Maybe once the shell is working again there could be a feature made to disable the F1 feature during PvP instead of fining for using it. Would that be possible?
  • [rofl] It wasn't your idea either m8. For as long as that Sol trade route has been open people have tried to put a lid on it to get at the trains. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't CFPD the first clan to ever do a blockade of the Hyperion gate?
  • (Quote) I seem to remember a certain incident in Manchest quite vividly, but surely I could never have bested you at the end of such a short chase... I must have been delirious, lol ^^. Anyway, take care Gunny; we'll miss having you around. I hope nothing terrible has happened and that all ends well. Take it easy and don't worry about us... we promise not to smuggle when Sev's not around. [613]
  • There are countless BMG routes among the already colorful array of regular trade routes. These are the reasons why the Sol route gets the most traffic: 1. It can be done in a train to make huge profit. 2. Few bother to look around for better routes (Gunny, for instance, has a legit one that's about as good). 3. Police don't crack down on smugglers hard enough (if smuggling was actually dangerous people wouldn't do it as much). 4. People are misinformed (they ask somebody for the best route and …
  • Some of the best routes take you through all of the houses and sometimes even the far-flung places you never would visit otherwise. There's plenty of scenery, but do whatever you like
  • Clans have every right to be as corrupt and oddly out of RP as they wish, so long as they don't break any rules. If the RP gets out of hand, let's say that CFPD were to take over Dublin for instance, an overwhelming force of freelancers and/or other clans would rally to disband it for their own interests. So long as no single clan or alliance of clans is more powerful than the rest of the players combined, there is no threat of gameplay oppression. As for BG, they do police RP a lot because mil…
  • Imao RP is king. BG will do what it deems appropriate and so will CFPD and everyone else. It doesn't matter who blockades what and for how long, just as long as it's not for personal reasons (which it's not in this case obviously). If CFPD thinks that it would be good police RP to blockade dublin then they have every right to. They also have the option of doing something different so that Dublin isn't made into the only RP battlefield on the server. Diversity is good, and if we can all do someth…
  • Sound strategy... if you're going to take the fun out of the hunt then you're going to get the fun taken out of your everyday trading
  • It must have been one of those cheesy Junkers scanners
  • *Flies past Si with 5000 units of "gold" while he's not paying attention* [rofl]
  • (Quote) Novel idea... once the server gets an exorcism and stops crashing
  • Saxon has a point though m8. The are two ways this can be played: clean and dirty. If both sides just dock before F1ing out then these things wouldn't happen. If people don't, players will be randomly appearing just about anywhere. This is especially unfair to the smugglers because it's a no win for them for any scenario. My beef with using F1 whenever is that it's like a cloak cheat. There's no way to detect a person until it's too late and that's just plain wrong. *poof* VHF appears next to tr…
  • The reason I said it was different was because train vs. VHF isn't like VHF vs. VHF. When you have a char anywhere besides Dublin pretty much and a person suddenly appears it's ok because the newcommer only has about a 3 second head-start to the other player if they fight. In Dublin, it's train vs. VHF and like I said it's not fair because the train can't fight back well. The smuggler's only weapon against blockades is agility and that's impossible when they can't detect their enemies. I'm not t…
  • I'd like to point out that I don't actually make the Sol run anymore, I was just looking at the scenario without bias and decided that both sides are using F1 in ways that defeat the purpose of RP. If you're blockading then sit there for 2 hours and wait for somebody, don't do something else and then F1 into Dublin the moment somebody starts coming up on it. On the other hand, smugglers shouldn't be using F1 to escape their enemies either (or wiating for the blockading side to log off to trade).…