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  • (Quote from zimtonix)I have installed FL-Mod on system partition and had nothing but trouble with,un-ticked box,administrator mode,very clean install,followed other guide step by step,and i was unable to activate mod in MM,at 80-90 % just stucked.Like 3-4 times i repeated whole thing.All my problems gone when i installed it on other partition,and since than working.Thing is,that after i unticked read only and close folder, when i opened it again it was ticked.Couple times i have tried but i was…
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)Stucked,i have received error message,failed to install mod!I have forget what was the whole message,and i hope that i newer see that again!
  • Yes,but i don't know why,after changing partition(and that was your suggestion) everything goes like charm!Somehow Windows doesn't let me to un-thick that Read only box at system partition,like i mentioned above.
  • "Microsoft Knowledge Base If you click Apply changes to this folder only , the Read-only attribute is changed for all the files in the folder. However, the Read-only attribute is not changed for the folder, its subfolders, or any files in its subfolders. If you click Apply changes to this folder, subfolders, and files , the Read-only attribute is changed for all files in the folder and all files in the subfolders. However, the Read-only attribute is not changed for the folder or its subfolders.…