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  • Well mate, you say "but I just wan't to make it sure" you can do it in a VHF like take your pick - even the Eagle will do - a 10x10 is better with six Mk II lvl 10 guns with max power supply if you want it then to really make it sure - set the difficulty to God Mode and fly collect all you want - it will take some time guns won't drop immediately but you can fly almost everywhere except atmosphere and you survive when you have all the guns you want save your game put the difficulty back to norm…
  • Iguana is one of many great ships in x info pix & specs attached
  • sb & nb are not absolutely necessary - they are a good money maker to sell whenever you dock on a base. learn to go out without em - use them if absolutely necessary when you pick them up in a fight - they are a finite resource and will allways run out on you no matter how many you can store - so when your capacity is full head for the nearest base and sell up. dont leave though untill all hostiles aroud you have been taken care of, otherwise you loose the lot, its better to leave some bots and…