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  • I just released a tiny update for players which have AMD graphic cards and suffer low resolution textures.Players which dont have such texture problems can ignore this stuff completely. This update just provides the patch.Players have to apply it manually.Inside the Freelancer folder there are going to be two new files. One is for players which use the old fashioned FL style HUD and the other is for players which use the modern golden hud.Just run the file that fits to your installation setting…
  • No, I think the licencing is absolutely correct the way it is.Especially considering that the original files ARE public while for everything else that has been ADDED different conditions of use have to be applied.Especially in terms of content that I have created I am allowed to protect my intellectual properties AND prohibit its modification. Same applies to licences of use that were granted directly to me by third parties for use only in this mod. If I take a selfie and put it into the mod th…
  • Zlib and libcurl belong to the original game. Why should i bother to licence that? The Gpl txt file belongs to the sweetfx shader.