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  • (Quote from ghosteye) Yea I gotta agree with this. Its pretty childish. I want to play with my friends, not a bunch of randoms Oh well im not missing out on much clearly, the people that play here must be very crude judging by the admins disgusting signature. Have fun in your sandbox kids Edit: I also like how I had to create a account here just to view posts....So inane...
  • Actually, you cant...Try logging out and checking yourself. You can only read the first post in any given thread, hence I was not provided with any useful info until I registered. ergo forcing me to register to attain any information. You also need to work on your grammar and understanding of the English language, I said INANE not INSANE also I can barely understand anything you are saying. And why do you keep talking about God and Satan? are you heavily religious or something? its weird Regard…