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  • (Quote) 1. it was waveys duty to do his job2. from what i know he did ask you about the $3. laserjet lost all his equipment coz of the $ he made using a bug (and this equipment was worth alot)4. laserjet does spend this money for the server5. there is a rule that clanmembers have to wear clantags on ALL chars... fake chars are not allowedI only allowed a fake char for DC because of a test and i allowed sleepy to keep his untagged char "sleepy"6. dont expect SPs to know everything about ur histo…
  • i dont get it.... how comes that if i post something explaining what happened and this is taken, commented and thrown back in a sarcastic way (Quote) (Quote) i mean... well tell me if im wrong but u want something from me and its not the other wayif not you wouldnt have started this thread... to me it looks like that you are right and all others that have not the same oppinion are wrong here (at least thats what you said in the same post) well ok lets go back to my last post... i have explained…
  • members of all clans and freelancers knew about itbesides a few the most of them didnt use it (as far as i know only 1 BG used it and we dealt with that - the rules for BGs are very strict) so are there more ppl wanting to blame others????? if so i make it easy for me and delete all chars so you all can start with 150000$ again
  • yes there is a bug selling powerupgrades but this bug cant be fixed because its hardcoded all the mod creators know about it and nobody is able to fix it oh and yes you will be banned again... i have enough of n0x and your lies