Search Results

Search results 1-5 of 5.

  • The mission is not bugged at all.All CF2.0 missions have been tested hundreds of times prior the release. The only thing that can cause bugs is when the player does not follow the mission objectives.
  • 1. There was no leaked 2.0 beta. 2. The mod was downloaded by several thousands of players in the past years. Never before anybody complained about this missions. 3. I have played this mission just 2 hours ago and everything worked perfectly fine. 4. I can not explain what I can not reproduce. Like Martined already said... an uploaded savegame would be good so we can do tests with it.
  • 1. There was no leaked beta version of Crossfire 2.0. Every claim about that is pure bullshit. Your moddb comment even showes why this is bullshit. The mod does not run without me setting up the launcher patches and the server files. A leaked copy of the mod would never have had running download protocols due to the fact that the launcher was still supporting CF1.9 at that time.Its technically not even possible to get a leaked version of the mod running without me doing the settings to make tha…
  • thats at least an explanation