Search Results

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  • Hunter_Elite

    I am publicly announcing that Hunter_Elite was respawn killing at Liner Hawaii this morning. Then, like a child, ran like a coward. My associates and I will make your life miserable here. You do not know our names, so you are not safe. I dont care where you are, you broke server rules by respawn killing......your ass is mine.
  • Hunter_Elite

    Just to clarify so no one misunderstands, Hunter_Elite decided to use a torpedo boat, fly real close to unsuspecting players and fire at a range where they could do nothing about it. Some of these people were noobs here and I have not seen them back in the server since this incident at Sigma 19 liner. In these deplorable acts, he respawned killed as well thinking it was a joke.... He tried to launch from the liner 2 days or so ago and start again, well much to his surprise, he undocked right in…
  • Hunter_Elite

    When he killed me unsuspectingly, (like a coward), he stole DC_Exile's entire order of Weps for DC. Value....60 Mil He pay's the 60 mil back.....the dogs are called off from my end.
  • Hunter_Elite

    A fun char representing a clan, by wearing tags? Sounds like trouble to me.