Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 21.

  • The Assault Event will be held every saturday a 8pm GMT at the colleseum (pass by the arena) From now on, this are the only rules to be apply to the Assault Event after they had been disccused with the event managers: 1st.- 2 Teams, 1 for each planet andeach have to dock at their home planets before the event starts. 2nd.- Every team will have 1 BattleShip and the rest would be fighters. They would set the team layout by dividing them in 3 groups: a.- Scoutsb.- Defendersc.- Attackers 3rd.- We w…
  • Hi Everyone, Don forget TODAY, Saturday 28th 20:00 GMT at colleseum (passing thourgh the arena system) The Assault Event The only rules will be the ones already posted here in the 1st post. So read them and make sure you know them tomorrow. I hope to see you there. Best Wishes, [Freedom]_RGHawk[F] PS: Event would star 8pm GMT, please, dont forget to check the rules here.
  • Dear Players, First of All, I want to apologize to everyone who showed today at 8pm GMT, 29/10/2005. We have like 18 players just in the Assault Event at the Colleseum. at 9:10 pm GMT my broadband conection was lost. I call my broadband provider and they told me they were sorry but the main server could not assign any IP to the people on the area I live. They were working to solve the problem but it would take several hours. As for now, I still without internet at home so I have to connect from…
  • On the contrary m8, the event was pretty good on the first round. Besides what you think OP, the idea of making the event without rounds was being considered. There was just 1 point that needs additional consideration and is the respawn killing of the battleship. That is why I send you the rules and ask you to give any input on each of them. SInce this is a big event, we do need two event managers but there is always problems out of control such what happen to me yesterday when my adsl was gone…
  • Hello again.

    Gunny Thanks for your input. The event was running in the old time by using the roid miner. I came with the BattleShip idea because for some reason we could not get the roid miner working. There is nothing we could do on the Battleship problem except for your proporsal of the docking mod where only the BS player would be allow to use it. However, the admin have to give us permission for doing that. About the player color, you use the channel group to identify your team players cause your team p…
  • Hello fellow players Well, thanks to OP, we got the event ships (the roid miner) on line. I really appreciate your help OP. Now we can change some rules. The miner is smaller and it doesnt get trapped by the docking ring. PLus, the miner weapon range is good enough to confront those mean fighters with ppcs Therefore, now that we have the roid miner, some rules are goin to be reviewed and posted few days before our next event. Dont miss it, I think we got the right package this time See you in s…
  • COuld you believe if I tell you that I didnt see it. Even Petrus didnt know about cause he was at his BS as well. The importance thing is we have them now and with enough time to do some modification on the rule set. Thanks again RG PS: Im practicing with the miner. Its handling is kind of difference from the BS but I like it so far
  • Sorry m8, only an admin could enforce the extra char on your account RG...out
  • After reviewing the rules for last Assault Event, the event managers and the administration decided to state these rules for every Assault Event: 1st.- The event would last for 2 hours starting at 8pm GMT and finishing at 10pm GMT. All partcipants should meet 15 min before the event in the arena. Then, the formal 2 teams (after the selection) will go to colleseum and dock to their respective home planet. 2nd.- Every team will have 1 roid miner and the rest would be fighters. Teams would set the…
  • @ Dragonwarrior, ussually more people show to this event. In the first 3 events ,we got up to 10 players per team at the last one. Today, I forgot the new clock set for the winter time, plus I could not show earlier as usual to invite everyone. We have usually a good amount of people. @To everyone, the last event was the best of all 4 since my watch. New rules worked just fine and it was intense up to the last minute (just read my review at the news) We will stick to these rules and I promise y…
  • [SIZE=3]NEWS FROM TODAYS ASSAULT EVENT [/SIZE] Hello Everybody, This RG reporting from the arena. Today event was unique in a way we got 1 team we just BG clan members and the other team with a mixture of people from DC and LP clan. We met as usual in the arena at 7:45pm. BG_Petrus, commander of team 1 and event manager, set the rules in the arena. While we were there, an old legend, without anyone expecting that appeareance. BG_MarcBomber who undust his old shroud from many battles to particip…
  • Hi m8, I didnt notice that strange thing floating around. I do think is really weird. However, I did notice that when I was outside I ask Petrus to order his team to dock as I did on my team. The problem with read lag stop, but when people start to undock, the lag appears again. The problem with LaserJet is the second time it happens. From all player, he always has been the hard to get shot down because his ships always jump around. I didnt have any trouble with other enemy players and even whe…
  • Today at the Colleseum at 8pm GMT [SIZE=3]The Assault Event [/SIZE] meeting at Arena at 7:45pm GMT to arrange teams and set the rules Assault Event 19/11/2005 NEWS FROM TODAYS ASSAULT EVENT Hello Everyone, Another week has past by and here we are again in the arena to report another extraordinary Assault Event. The meeting at the arena started with a little delate of 10 min (7:55pm GMT) but that didnt stop to increase player attendance comparing to last week. As usual, we wait 15 to 20 min for …
  • Today at the Colleseum at 8pm GMT [SIZE=3]The Assault Event [/SIZE] Meeting at Arena at 7:45pm GMT to arrange teams and set the rules. PS: Last week Assault Event was cancel due to some technical problems on the broadband connection of one of the Assault Event Managers (myself) Therefore, in the name of the hard working people that makes this event to happen every saturday, my most sincere apologies and I hope to see you there TODAY 03/12/2005 Remember, last set of rules are written above and I…
  • To Everyone Interesting in the Assault Event for Today 10/12/2005 at Coliseum 8pm GMT. Due to some work that I have to hand in today afternoon (my timezone) I wont be able to be part of today´s event. On the other hand, I talked to Petrus and he would be available for the Event. I also talked to OP and he will try to find a replacement. So if anyone is able to help, please contact OP as soon as you can. I give my apologies in advance, Sincerely RGHawk [SIZE=3]REPLACEMENT FOUND! [/SIZE] Ok guys,…
  • Hello Everyone, Reporting from the Arena, Petrus and myself, RGHawk. Everything is Joy and Happiness around here. People huging and jumping around. We just want to tell you that the Assault Event wold be on vacation for this holidays until January 7th, 2006. From all members of the Assault Event team, we want to wish everyone [SIZE=3]Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! [/SIZE] We hope to see you back here next year, Enjoy with your family and close one. Sincerely, The Assault Event Team
  • Hello Everyone, This is RGHawk covering the Assault Event from the Arena. As you know, this year started kind of slow for the Assault Event but that never took the spirit out of the brave contestant. So far 3 events were held and only 1 report came out until now. Yes, I will give a brief report on the Assault Event on Jan 07/2006 and a complete report on the Event held on Jan 28/2006. As for the Event on Jan 7/2006 we have as follow: It was a come back event after a long holyday break well dese…
  • Oh! the beautiful arena and the smell from the smoking guns. Hello everybody, This is RGHawk back to you in another week of excitements, fights, and glory in order to attain victory on the Assault event every Saturday. For this Saturday Assault Event we got on earlier than usual to call every player online to participate. A total of 14 players showed up where only 12 finish at the end of this week event. As usual, players were picked by Petrus and me getting the following alignments: Team 1: Ma…
  • Assault Event on Saturday 11/02/2006 was cancelled due to an important clan meeting Report on the Assault Event held on Saturday the 18th, 2006, 8pm GMT Before I stared with the report I wanted to said some things: 1. - This week I have experience of discourage from my broadband provider that is not worth a dime so I could not even connect to the internet for some days at home. At the office I do get in the internet to check the forum and occasionally drop some lines so I wont apologise cause o…
  • Hello everyone, these are the results of today Assault Event: TEAM 1 = 139TEAM 2 = 98 A new gameplay was introduced and that was as follow: ROID MINER KILL = 5 pointsFIGHTER KILL = 1 point So TEAM 1 took the 100 million credits prize All the news about todays event would be given later and thanks for everyone participation on it RG...out